Welcome and thanks for stopping by! A new website is still under construction but I’ve updated a few things in the meantime. My jazz quartet, Paul Beaudry & Pathways, recently completed a Rhythm Road: American Music Abroad tour to Central Asia. In October 2011 we performed and gave educational workshops in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh and India. I’ll be updating my blog at The debut CD of ‘Paul Beaudry & Pathways’ can be purchased at:

The Kickstarter CD fundraising campaign for the ‘Paul Beaudry & Adam Rafferty - New Tomorrows’ project was successful. It looks like that CD will be ready for release by the summer of 2012. By that time it will have been 4 years in the making, that project started in 2008.

Also the quartet, Pathways, recorded a new CD for the Soundkeeper label last spring called “Americas”. We’re hoping for an early 2012 release. It will feature many of the tunes we learned on the road from the Latin America tour last year and our jazz arrangements of a few more Caribbean and South American songs. More on that as it comes closer.

Hope to see you again soon,

Paul Beaudry



Paul Beaudry and Pathways toured Central Asia in the fall after doing a successful  South and Central American tour last year and hosting their first CD release party in New York City.

Copyright © 2011-2012 Paul Beaudry. All Rights Reserved.